Please review these requirements to determine your eligibility.
1. Applicant Qualification:
- To apply, individuals must be current staff or faculty members of ASU
possessing the capability to manage a child account. - Please note that funding is not applicable to businesses or municipalities.
(Refer to collaboration opportunities below for alternative options).
2. Alignment with ASU Charter:
- Projects must align with the principles outlined in the ASU Charter.
3. Alignment with Impact Water - Arizona Goals:
- Project must align with the overarching Program Goals of the Impact
Water - Arizona program:- Improving community knowledge and engagement in Arizona’s water
challenges and solutions. - Equipping individuals and communities with resources and tools for
informed decision-making and change activation. - Increasing the availability and variety of decision-support tools.
- Impacting and influencing policy and practice changes.
- Fostering interdisciplinary collaborations within ASU to work on
innovative solutions. - Building relationships with key stakeholders and partners.
- Raising visibility of the Arizona Water Innovation Initiative and Impact
Water – Arizona to elevate ASU as a go-to resource.
4. Alignment with Impact Water – Arizona Workstreams:
- Alignment with at least one of Impact Water – Arizona's key workstreams.
- Science and Technology Translation
- Inclusive Engagement
- Policy Impact
- Immersive Experiences
5. Address Arizona’s Statewide Water Priorities:
- Projects must address at least one of Arizona's statewide water priorities:
- Implement a sustainable management framework for the Colorado River
- Empower rural Arizonans to protect groundwater and communities
- Address groundwater over allocation and other challenges in Active Management Areas (AMAs)
- Ensure safe, clean drinking water for all Arizonans