What We Do
The Kyl Center for Water Policy at the Morrison Institute for Public Policy at Arizona State University is a non-partisan, non-profit think tank that promotes research, analysis, collaboration and open dialogue to ensure sound water stewardship for Arizona and the West. The Kyl Center’s work advances innovative and cooperative solutions to Arizona’s crucial water management challenges from an interdisciplinary perspective. To help the public and policymakers better understand Arizona water resources and policy, the Kyl Center creates and maintains accessible, user-friendly information and tools, such as the award-winning Arizona Water Blueprint.
Morrison Institute is a leading resource for relevant research, analysis and policy choices of public value. For nearly 40 years, Morrison Institute for Public Policy has served as Arizona's premier public policy research organization. Our dedicated team of professional researchers excels at examining trends, policies and practices. We want to help our partners determine what is happening, what is working elsewhere, what people think and what may be improved. We see our work as a nonpartisan public service.
Innovation and Impact
The Kyl Center contributes critical policy context across the Arizona Water Innovation Initiative to help ensure that ASU’s work is impactful and relevant to the state.

Arizona Water Blueprint
The Arizona Water Blueprint is a data-rich, interactive and evergreen hub of information about Arizona water resources and policy. In addition to data visualizations and in-depth multimedia content on critical water-policy topics, the Water Blueprint features a comprehensive map containing some 60 data layers. The Water Blueprint is a tool for holistic thinking to inform policy decisions and foster public understanding. In developing the Arizona Water Blueprint, the Kyl Center held design workshops to take input from over 200 experts in water, land use, environmental conservation and economic development throughout the state.

The goal of the ASU Colorado River Visualization Enterprise (the "CuRVE Project") is to model the impacts to Arizona of Colorado River climate, hydrologic and management scenarios on individual community water systems, agricultural districts, tribal communities and industries across multiple decades. The Kyl Center has collaborated with ASU’s Decision Theater to create dynamic visualizations to help people analyze and communicate about potential Colorado River scenarios. Decision Theater is a resource that supports and enables research activities through data visualization and predictive modeling.
Central Arizona demand and supply assessment
To help inform discussions regarding the state’s future water needs, the Kyl Center is completing a water demand and supply assessment for Maricopa, Pinal and Pima Counties. The research results will be available on the Arizona Water Blueprint.